SCARBOROUGH, MAINE – Harmon's Market is delighted to present a body of work by Lindsay Hopkins-Weld entitled Prouts Neck Quiet Season. The show is comprised of paintings and hooked rugs that represent the coastlines and seascapes that the artist encounters on her daily walks. The work was completed during the falls, winters and springs [the "quiet seasons"], between 2017 and 2019. The exhibition will be on view from July 10 through August 10, 2019. There will be a reception for the artist on Tuesday, July 9th, from 5 to 7pm.
The artist and her husband, Minot, have a family home in Northeast Harbor, Maine, where they annually reside from May 15 to September 15. For the last 2 years, they have spent the remainder of the years at Prouts Neck.
In October of 2017, the director was surprised to see a couple walking 2 Australian Terriers on the golf course; surprised, because it is a rare breed and his wife's and his dog is of the same breed. A few days later, everyone met for the first time on the beach. And, over the course of the next few months, it was revealed that Lindsay was painting and/or hooking rugs every day. In particular, the director learned that the artist was painting what she described as the "unexpected colors" [and views] that she found on her daily walks. At that moment, the idea of this show began to develop.
For more information and images, please contact the gallery: (207) 883-1085 or