Lindsay Hopkins Weld

Born in 1960, Lindsay grew up on a farm north of Baltimore, MD and has been inching her way up the east coast ever since. She received her BFA from the Museum School in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1985.

Influenced by the natural beauty of the coast, her work captures  views and landscapes that she knows intimately. She strives to capture the fleeting beauty, essence and vibrancy of these places.

Her awards include a one month residency at The Heliker-LaHotan Foundation, Great Cranberry Island, Maine; Art Week on Great Spruce Head Island, Maine; and, a three month residency at Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art in Paget, Bermuda.  Lindsay is also a signature member of the American Society of Marine Artists.

Lindsay's work can be found in private collections across The United States, Australia, England and in Bermuda. She has shown her work in numerous galleries along the East Coast of the United States. She currently lives and paints in Scarborough and Northeast Harbor Maine.